Monday, January 5, 2009

Off to a good start...

Five days into the New Year and I'm so happy! Hayden has been getting ready for potty training for some time now. Well, today he really wanted to sit on the potty. Off came the diaper, down dropped the pants and then he sat. He sat well over 5 minutes, then I heard something. It was raining outside so I had to strain to hear...but he did it! He actually peed in the potty. Anna came in and we both just clapped and told him what a good boy he was. He was so proud of himself. We got his pants back up, dumped everything in the big potty, flushed, then washed hands. He was so happy. Then he did it again about an hour later. He spent the rest of the afternoon in a pull up so we had easy access. What a great way to start the year.

Tomorrow the girls go back to school. I think the anxieties that Sydney had the 2 weeks following my surgery are nearly gone. She spent many days with the school counselor, but I think those will be fewer now that she knows that I'm okay. Anna also is doing great. She had her first sleepover since May. That's a huge step for her. I'm really proud of all my kids. I loved having them home during winter break, but I can't wait for school tomorrow! Pray for all the teachers!

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