Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Perfect Morning

Well, I was never one for writing, but after the caotic first 1 hour of the day, I feel compelled to share with the world. I'll fill in the family bio in detail later, but first have to share my normal attempt to get ready for school when everything fell apart.

I was changing my son's diaper (thankfully on my husband's side of the bed!) when my oldest daughter started screaming. At this point we have 20 mintues before we leave for school and we are already behind schedule. Anna's tooth came out while she was brushing her teeth. This tooth could have been pulled 2 days ago, but she wasn't ready yet. So, she's screaming and I run to the bathroom to get her tooth, calm her down, and get a towel for her since she is bleeding a little bit. My youngest daughter is in the mix trying to help her sister (she's my doctor in training) and we finally get Anna calmed down and excited about the tooth fairy coming tonight.

I return to finish changing my son only to realize that he had peed all over the bed and is sitting naked in urine. So, I strip the bed, put him in the tub to clean him up and finally my loving husband realizes that I may need help. We now have 10 minutes before we leave for school. I still haven't made lunches, I have oatmeal on the stove that was probably burning, and I haven't gotten Jason's snacks for work ready. I know what you are thinking: he's a grown man and this isn't 1955. We are trying a new lifestyle change at church and if I don't pack his snacks he won't eat right. We are in this together.

So, Jason dresses Hayden, the girls get their sweaters on, I quickly make lunches, and we are out the door a few minutes late. All ends well, but it was just one of those snowball effects this morning. We couldn't have only one little bit of commotion. We needed several diversions just to get the blood pumping. Considering what's planned for the rest of my day, this was the high point of excitement for me.