Sunday, April 5, 2009

Time flies

The weeks are so busy this spring. I mean to update every couple of days and just am exhausted at the end of the day. I can't promise it will get any better before school is out.

This was another beautiful weekend. Anna had a soccer game on Saturday. They didn't win, but the girls played really well. Several of us parents were commenting on how much these girls have improved this season. Next week, weather permitting, we will end the season. Anna has her last game on Wednesday and Sydney's is on Thursday.

Report cards came home on Friday. Both girls were High Achievers. We are very proud of them. We also had our school's spring fundraiser, Springett"sea". It was so much fun. The girls ran around with their friends playing games and dancing to the music. Anna won 2 raffle items and I won 2 items in the silent auction. I helped a little with the set up and clean up because next year I'll be the VP of Fundraising. After watching what these parents and teachers do to have this function, I'm completely intimidated. Luckily, I've learned to delegate in past jobs, so the key to success next year will be to find a committee chair to run it. Easy!

Hayden goes in for another mapping tomorrow. If he's willing to cooperate, we will do some more testing than we usually do. I'm pushing to get a second implant. Then on Tuesday he has his pre-evaluation to see what services he needs to be tested for for school in the fall. I'm excited about both days, but they are long appointments for a little boy so I hope we make it through to the end.

Tuesday I start radiation. I'm a little nervous, but I'm sure I'll be fine. My biggest concern is finding a consistent time each day for the next seven weeks to do this.

And finally, my sweet hubby, Jason, is in Peru tonight. He flew out this afternoon on a long flight for a business trip in Lima. He comes home on the red eye on Thursday morning. The girls are having a sleepover in my room tonight since he's gone. We used to do that when we lived in Austin. We sure do miss Jason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa! Hope today went well. Thinking of & praying for you! Any big plans for Thursday? ;) Love ya,