Saturday, December 20, 2008

Long day

Today, I went in for my Herceptin. Remember, I couldn't get it 3 weeks ago because of an abnormal echo. I reminded the nurse of that and then the 1 1/2 hour journey began. My echo was again showing my EF (can't remember what that stands for) was at 45-50%. Normal is 50-60%. My doctor said I could get it, but at a 20% lower dose. As I was getting my vitals taken, my heart started skipping again. The nurse had to talk to my doctor again. She then was in discussion with the cardiologist. Finally, I was approved for the full dose. The Herceptin can cause heart damage which is why they are very cautious about what the echo is saying.

After all that, Dad and I went to lunch. It was my first time going to a restaurant post-surgery. I felt good, tired, but good. It was nice to be able to talk with him all day. We then went home to relax a little before my next appointment.

I saw my plastic surgeon in the afternoon. After waiting an hour, I finally got in. He took out the 3rd drain and added more fluid to the tissue expanders. I have to wait until Wednesday to get the last drain out and I'll go every 2 weeks to add to the expanders. Adding fluid can be painful, since it is pushing the muscle out. I'm going to try to not take pain meds as long as I can. I don't want to spend the weekend sick again.

Dr. Basu did give me some hopeful news. Since my pathology came back negative for cancer (yippee!!) he thinks I may not need to have radiation. He thinks it needs to go before the review board to make the decision. I'll discuss it more with my oncologist and radiation oncologist in January and February. If I don't have to have radiation, it changes all of 2009 for me. I can do reconstruction sooner, my options are better for reconstruction and I'll also be done with everything sooner. Oh, I hope so, but if I have to do radiation, then that's what I'll do.

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