Monday, July 7, 2008

Chemo #3 is done

Well, this one is over! Overall, I think I felt better than last time, but still sick and tired, literally and figuratively. Usually, I am just tired and sleep on and off for a couple of days. This time, I was able to read, which was nice. I still felt sick through yesterday, and very tired. This morning, I feel better but I don't want to go out and eat a feast then run a marathon. I think I'll be happy if I can get the kids their breakfast and sit down on the couch for a few hours! The worst part today is the metal taste in my mouth. I haven't found anything that is appetizing when I have this. I just need to work through it as it should be gone by the end of the week.

Well, I have one more round on this set. My next chemo days are July 24th and 25th. That will be the end of these yucky side effects, I hope. The next cycle is supposed to be better. The biggest symptom is fatigue. My hair should start to grow back, but some people lose their eyebrows and eyelashes. I'm hoping that doesn't happen to me. The hair on my head was bad enough!

We did get one nice piece of news from my oncologist. I never got the measurement for the enlarged lymph nodes so I didn't know if they shrunk or not. The radiologist report said they shrunk from 4.2 cm to 3.1 cm! Yippee!! Again, this doesn't mean I'll escape surgery, but at least the chemo is working.


Dan & Jene said...

Hoi Lisa -
Thank you for sharing the good news. You are the chick. You are so pretty we would not notice the loss of your eyebrows or lashes. But you can always paint brows on and glue on lashes, Hollywood - putting on the glitz!

aTXmommy said...

I won't even wear mascara right now because I'm to scared my lashes will come off when I clean it off! No need to rush the inevitable!