Thursday, July 10, 2008

Overwlemed...and loved

Yesterday was a rather uneventful day. I took the girls to see the $1 movie our theatre does over the summer for kids. We saw Alvin and the Chipmunks. It was better than I thought it would be. I was still feeling sick and couldn't wait to go home, but I haven't done much with the girls in a week so I stuck it out. Hayden had speech therapy later in the afternoon, but with no nap, he wasn't in the mood to talk much. We then had sign ins at church for the girls' vacation bible camp next week. Pretty usual day, all in all.

Jason surprised me by getting home before us. This is a busy month for him and he usually doesn't leave work before six and he was home at 5:30. I was telling him about the events at church during sign in when I noticed a tower of boxes in the living room that were not there when I left. He said they were from Washington and I knew immediately who sent them (thank you, Striblings!) My sweet cousin, Heather, is one of my major uplifting spirits in life, but more so now than ever. She helped organized our large family who wanted to help us during this rather challenging time in our lives.

All I can say is that Jason and I were, and still are, completely overwhelmed by the care packages that were sent. There was a box for Jason, one for me and one for the kids. The letters, thoughts, treats, and gifts were so much more than generous. They expressed the love we already felt from our widespread family. Knowing that everyone is thinking about us, sharing our story with others and offering prayers and well wishes is so wonderful, how can a person be down? I already had my kids and husband to live for, I also have this huge family to live for. Cancer sucks, but my family rocks! Thank you to everyone! I already new we were blessed, but you all just reaffirmed it. I can't wait to see all of you and thank you in person.

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