It's been about 6 weeks since my last post. I've allowed myself to shut down a little after a very busy beginning to 2010. With surgeries, fundraisers, parenting, being a wife, and providing care to the entire Western World (okay, slight exaggeration), I needed a break.
Jason and I have had 2 little vacations with the kids since Memorial Day. We celebrated Sydney's birthday in Dallas with friends of ours. Our kids are all close in age and get along well. The girls do at least. Our boys aren't quite there yet at 3 years old and 16 months old. Give us another year or 2 and they will be best buds. Hayden actually learned to fake cry so I'd pick him up, or that's what he thought should happen. It did for Baby AJ.
The weeks preceding our trips, Jason had to be in Peru. He's going again in a week, getting back the day before we have house guests for 4th of July. We go to San Antonio in August. Want to bet he's in Peru again before we go? :)
VBS starts tomorrow. The girls always love this week during the summer. Anna's a little bummed though. All her friends that usually go are on vacation, so she doesn't have a friend in her group. She'll make some though. Sydney is with one of her best friends so she's all set! They have a week of day camp with the YMCA in July. Hayden starts his own camp on Wednesday for 7 weeks. He goes on Wednesdays to a hearing camp set up by his former AV therapist and deaf ed teacher. Once he sees them both, he's going to be so happy.
So, we are off to a great start on our summer vacation.
Looks like tons of fun! I've never been to Florida.
Have you seen our "summer" so far? We've had the most rainfall for any June on record. And it's been COLD - today it barely hit 65, I think, and it's been colder than that in the past few weeks as well. Hopefully the summer turns nice by the time we start having our little vacations!
Wow, we'd love to have some of that rain. We are really behind in rainfall. And with the heat index, we are 100+. Yuck!
What a glorious place to glad that all 5 of you were able to be there together!!! And, that the oil gunk hadn't reached Florida yet - YIKES!
Am copying your June notes and pics for Dad and Mom - they love hearing your latest updates and seeing the pics from "My Life in Texas" (as we all do)! Thanks for keeping us in the loop :)! Love you lots, Aunt Sal
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