Saturday, May 2, 2009

One year later...

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of my journey to survive cancer. I got my diagnosis on May 1, 2008. The past year has been challenging, trying, difficult, rewarding and normal all at the same time.

While treatment has been tough, I have also become tough. I can handle most anything thrown at me. I think the years leading up to my diagnosis were to prepare me for this adventure. We had issues with Hayden's birth and first year of life, then mom's illness. This doesn't even count the years that Jason and I lived apart during the week. Basically, my move to Texas 14 years ago started it all. I'm just happy to be able to look back and know that I did it.

Actually, we did it. My kids and husband, large extended family, and the most amazing friends ever did it. Thank you to all of you for being with me while I went through this. While I'm not over, I can see the end. My hope is that this time next year, I will have completed all my treatment, healed from my last surgery and getting ready to enjoy a summer without anything to worry about. I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, we are all so impressed with and proud of you!! You are truly an amazing woman. Thank you for being such a great example of grace, strength, and humility. Congratulations on this important milestone.
Love, your cousin Heather

Anonymous said...

Jason! We couldn't let you be a "P.S."...

Happy birthday!!! Here's hoping that today is a day of rest as well as celebration. We are so thankful to have you in our family. :) All our love, Heather and crew