Thursday, February 5, 2009

Surviving a 2 year old

So, for any of you that have had the joy of raising a 2 year old, you know that there really is a lot of joy involved, but there is an equal amount of stress. Today, nay, this week, has been full of stress mixed in with a little joy. Hayden is quickly becoming the divo (is that male for diva?) of the house. Today was a topper.

He doesn't nap anymore. He might once a week, but generally he gets 2 hours in his room, alone. He needs a nap, but I haven't figured out how to actually make him sleep. I had to take the little tyke with me to karate this afternoon. Normally, we are there for 2 hours, but I put Anna in Sydney's class to consolidate our time. Hayden and I went to the park to play while we waited. With the class nearing an end, we had to go back. Hayden didn't like that and proceeded to voice his absolute disgust with me for the next 50 minutes. Yes, nearly an hour of screaming (some of you have heard his shrill voice, you know) and hitting and kicking and the latest, biting. Thankfully, that only happens when he's physically restrained in my arms.

I knew he was tired, but it took forever to get him ready for bed during his temper tantrum. Finally, he was in his pjs and cuddling on our bed. I went to feed Anna and Sydney before their open house tonight. I came back in and there he was, fast a sleep. As I'm writing this, he is still laying as he was 2 hours ago when I put him in his bed.

With karate once a week and soccer starting next week, twice a week, I told Jason that I would have to cancel everything if I have another episode like I did tonight. I just can't do it. I can go through chemo, I can handle a major surgery, but it will be a 2 year old boy with dimples and brown eyes that takes me down. How sad is that?

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