Thursday, August 14, 2008


I'll leave in 2 hours to go to chemo #5. By the end of the day, I'll be closer to the end than the beginning. What a great feeling! I'm very anxious about this one only because I don't know how I'll feel when it's done. I shouldn't be sick, but that is a possible side effect. Most likely, I'll be tired for a few days.

There are 2 drugs that I'll be taking. I'll take Taxotere until October. The other drug I'll take is called Herceptin. I'll continue Herceptin for 12 months with a break for surgery. My tumor is HER2+, which is found in about 25% of breast cancer patients. It is an aggressive tumor that grows and spreads more quickly and requires different treatments. Herceptin is not a chemo drug, but rather a monoclonal antibody. These antibodies are more targeted than chemo and attach directly to the proteins that are increasing the cancer cell production. Only patients that are HER2+ take Herceptin. A big risk is recurrence. Herceptin has been found to lower the chance of cancer coming back versus patients that didn't take it.

One of the serious side effects of Herceptin is heart problems. With heart disease on my mom's side of the family (my grandfather and both great-grandfathers died from heart attacks), I'm following orders closely on this one. I'll have an echo cardiogram scheduled soon to see how my heart is tolerating the drug. My friend Odessa who is also my nutritionist has me on supplements that are supposed to improve heart health. I'm determined that if I can fight cancer, then I can fight the byproducts of the drugs as well. The only thing I can't fight is the hair loss. I thought my hair would start to grow back after this last round, but no. What's another 3 months, right?

Radiation still hasn't been completely ruled out. I need to meet with my radiologist to see what she thinks. She's also the doctor that did my genetics testing. Over the next month or so, I'll also be meeting with plastic surgeons to see the direction I want to go in for surgery. I have many options and, being so young, I have a long life ahead of me. I want to be happy with my decision for years to come.


Anonymous said...

We're still prayin'. Thanks so much for keeping us up-to-date(oy, almost said 'abreast') Sorry, these are the jokes. Love you so much!! ~Heather

aTXmommy said...

I can always count on you for a good laugh! That's one of the many reasons why I love you!

Sally said...

Am just catching up on your blogs...I've been trying to get to them and then send them on to Dad and Mom via snail mail or direct delivery :) Thanks so much, Lisa, for keeping us in the loop this way - it really helps us to know what's happening. You and your journey as a true champion survivor are just so important to us all. We love you and think of you more than you know! Aunt Sal & Uncle Doug