Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fundraiser time!

Okay, I'm going to be shameless and use this post to plug our fall fundraiser. As the PTO vice-president of fundraising, I do need to do my best to get sales in. This year, we are partnering with Sally Foster. They have a great reputation for the quality of their products and our teachers are so excited to be using them again. Galatas Elementary will get 50% back from purchases which is a great deal!

In addition to the traditional prizes kids get for selling items, we are rewarding the top seller, the top selling class and having a drawing for those that sell 5 items of more. The drawing winner and top seller will have the choice of a Nintendo DSi or $150 gift card to Toys R Us. The top class gets a pizza party and the teacher gets $100 school supply voucher. For parents that don't want want items, but want their children to participate, we are putting together a wish list from our teachers.

So, if you'd like to help, click the link below and have fun shopping. Items should be received in time for Christmas. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me. Thanks so much for every one's support!

Use the seller number below after clicking on the link. You may need to change the seller.

Last name between A and L, use Anna: 429546

Last name between M and Z, use Sydney: 429547

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