Friday, September 5, 2008


Well, the last few days have been full of ups and downs. First, we left Dallas on Sunday afternoon to be home should Hurricane Gustav hit. We were very fortunate. All we had was a little wind and sprinkles. The girls started their second week of school without any problems. Anna was the first star of the week in her class and Sydney was line leader all week. Hayden has been doing great with his processor. Life is good.

Then I met with the first of 2 plastic surgeons. I met one on Wednesday and the other today. While they each had different thoughts and opinions on my options for reconstruction, both had similar time tables. It looks like I won't be through with this awful situation as soon as I hoped. With radiation still an unknown, but likely, my reconstruction probably won't happen until towards the end of 2009. I'm at least a year away. So, my mood and spirits are a little down right now. I'm not feeling too good about the next year, but I know it will past and I'll go back to my usual good spirited self. Right now, though, I'm taking a little self-indulgence and allowing myself to be blue. And to back me up, my dad says its okay. Thanks, DAD!

I watched the Stand Up To Cancer program tonight on ABC, NBC, and CBS. I hope they raise a lot of money to fight cancer. I know most everyone reading this right now, besides knowing me, knows someone that has been affected by cancer. I have a hard time counting all the family that I loved and lost to many types of cancer. While I watched with my sweet Anna, I was encouraged to think that she, or her siblings or cousins, may find a cure so that future generations don't have to go through this. Please go to to find out more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sick for you, my sweet cousin! You're so right; you will be back to your cheery and easy-going self. In the mean time, we're here if you need us:) No cheer required. We love you always. On the bright side, all of this will be great for your book!
~Heather and the Wa. gang

PS~ Great to hear that school and the processor are off to a good start. Love to Anna, Sydney, Hayden and Jason...he can start rough drafts for his own book! Double the royalties;)