The kids are doing great. Anna finished soccer and has enjoyed having a little more after school time with her friends. She loves to talk with one friend in particular on the phone while they play the same online games. I do need to refocus both kids back a little to homework. We’ve slacked off some in the last 2 weeks.
Sydney also finished cheerleading last month. She really liked it, but has decided she wants to play tennis in the spring. I played varsity in high school, so I’m pretty excited to see her play. We are still working on her reading and math at school. Currently, she’s undergoing in class intervention for dyslexia and it does seem to help some. I’m going to try to push it more after the winter break.
Hayden has really blossomed. His language is improving. He just started using “and” in his sentences. It’s a huge thing for me to hear. This morning he told me he wanted “butter and syrup” on his waffles. In the past he would say “butter syrup.” His regular preschool teacher has been very impressed by his increased language. He’s actually loving Christmas right now. They’ve been working on that in his auditory class. The only problem we are having is potty training. That’s my goal during winter break. He will be potty trained. I hope…
Jason’s been working hard. He just go back from a conference in Washington DC. All of us wish we could have gone, but maybe next time. Once in a while, Jason does get to squeeze in some golf, but not as much as he’d like.
As for me, well, I’m doing great. I have 2 more Herceptin treatments, then I’m done!!! Yippee!! Ring the bell, ding the gong! Celebrate! My last treatment is December 23rd. What a great Christmas this is going to be. Yesterday, I saw my plastic surgeon for my pre-op stuff. Everything looks good for January 12. That’s the big reconstruction day. It’s the first of 2-3 surgeries and this is the big one. I’ll be in the OR for about 5 hours, then ICU for 24 hours. The hospital stay will be 3-5 days. The best part of the whole thing is that I get a tummy tuck out of it. Three kids, boy do I deserve it. See, there’s a bright spot to everything, even cancer.
Here are a few pictures from Thanksgiving. Our friends from Dallas came down as is our families' tradition. We just love seeing them with their 2 kids. In a couple of years, I can't wait for Hayden and AJ to play like Anna, Sydney and Rowan do. Being thankful for friends and family are just a part of Thanksgiving and we certainly had that.
Now on to Christmas! More to follow. And I promise it will be before the end of the year!
Hey Lisa! Thanks for the update:) Glad to hear things are looking up in several areas... you even managed to find the bright side of cancer - what a gal! We will be praying for your surgery and recovery. I'm jealous of the tummy tuck! But, you totally deserve it as much needed 'icing', right? You've earned it. Love to you all... hopefully I'll get to the post office soon with our Christmas book exchange(but you know me, so don't hold your breath!)
Love, Heather
PS~ Great pics!
That's on my list too for next week. I'm going to finish all the Christmas stuff for family and school. There's so much to do still! I need to call you. We need to catch up. I'll do that soon too!
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