I've been super busy this past week. Our fall fundraiser ended yesterday. I, along with 10-15 volunteers, spent hours processing orders. We do most of our PTO business online to stay within compliance with the state, but this is one event we have to process checks and cash. It takes a lot of hours to do that. Our goal was $30,000 in sales. At the end of the day Friday, we were sitting around $40,000. I'd be surprised if we didn't get another thousand or 2 before the end of next week with all the stragglers. Not to bad for my first time doing fundraising. My chairperson has done a great job handling this project and its been a pleasure working with her and the other volunteers.
The kids have been busy too. Anna is in soccer again this season. She had her first game last weekend. Her team lost, but they played well. The other team has played together for several seasons. We were rained out today. Sydney opted to try cheer leading instead of soccer. She's been having fun learning the cheers with one of her best friends. The parents have had a few issues with the YMCA, but hopefully we will get those worked out by next week. I don't want to pull her out since she is having so much fun, but if some safety issues aren't corrected soon, then I may not have a choice. Her 2 coaches are doing a great job, but their supervisors aren't and as a result unsafe situations are occurring for the girls.
Hayden missed 3 days of school last week due to an ear infection. He kept getting a fever but always responded to Motrin. I knew it wasn't the flu but still had to take him in. The pediatricians office was full of sick kids. The nurse practitioner was so excited to write a prescription for an antibiotic. It was only the 3rd one in 2 days. The evening we took him in, his eardrum burst and all the fluid was draining. That's why he didn't go to school; it was just one more orifice for little germs to get into his body. Hayden can't get the flu shot because he is allergic to eggs. He's had it the last 2 years, but since he had a documented reaction to eggs, he can't get the shot now. We hope he'll outgrow this in a few years and then can get protected.
Yesterday, when I was going thru Sydney's school folder, I was so excited to see the initial paperwork for Sydney's dyslexia testing. Her reading level is in the bottom range of normal, but her fluency is very low. As a result, she'll get tutoring at school for that and she will be tested for learning disabilities. I've found that there are several types of dyslexia and I know Syd has some variation of it. For example, she tries to read "almost" as "mlast". She does this quite often. She also has the classic symptoms of reversing numbers and letters when she writes and reads. We've known she had dyslexia since before she started Kindergarten and now we are finally moving forward.
To end, here is a picture of my sweethearts from yesterday morning. They are all wearing their spirit wear for school. So cute! Also, these are the before and after pictures of our powder room. It's been done now for a couple of weeks, but I just haven't loaded any pictures.
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