Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Days

School started yesterday. We were prepared to go Monday morning. Backpacks were ready, lunches packed, clothes picked out, supplies at school. Everything was a go. The morning was fast, but smooth considering we haven't had to do this in 3 months. The girls were great going to their classes. No tears or anything, though I was waiting for it with Sydney. Nope, she's a big 2nd grader now. Anna has the school's new, only male teacher, Mr. Dulworth. We think he's great so far. He has high energy and loves to challenge the mind. Sydney is with Mrs. Bickley. She's a fabulous teacher and is a good match for our little Syd Syd. This will be a great year for our girls.

Then we were off to Hayden's school. He goes to another elementary school, Bush, which has the only deaf ed/auditory class in The Woodlands. His teacher, Mrs. Kehlenbeck, is wonderful. She is really going to help Hayden. I think there are 5 kids in his class and he will have so many opportunities to expand on his language skills. Hayden will go MWF for 3 hours.
The other 2 days, he goes to a regular preschool. I was very anxious about that today. I can't explain it, but I actually wondered if it was a good decision. Since he still isn't potty trained and has a few other issues we are still working on, I didn't know if he could handle being in the class. Today went well, so I just need to see how things go. Time will tell. His teachers are very nice so that will help.
This year is going to be an interesting year. Three kids, three schools, PTO obligations, household obligations, surgery and cancer treatment, a husband. Life is not dull in the Doornik family.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Looks like this'll be a great school year for everyone...life is such an adventure!