I can't believe that I haven't written anything this month. We have certainly been busy! School is over and summer is in full swing.
The girls ended the school year with great report cards. Each had 3 A's and 3 B's. Sydney is struggling some with her reading so she is in a new program through our ISD called SLAM'N (Science, Language Arts, Math, Naturally). She's doing really well so far.
Anna went to day camp through the YMCA last week and goes again next week. She has forgiven me for not signing her up this week. She got to try archery, horseback riding, and bbs. They swim every day and she's gone all day!
I also started back on Herceptin this month. I don't like going weekly, but it's nice to get started again so I can finish. I had an echo last week and everything is good. My heart is still ticking quite nicely.
We have family coming in tonight. Jason's sister is watching the kids for us so we can go to Las Vegas on Friday. We are so excited to get away without the kids. We've never been this far for this long. The day after Jene leaves, Jason's mom flies in for 11 days. So, we will continue to be busy, busy, busy!
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